The Kitty AI
Phoenix Phoenix Arts Centre, 4 Midland Street, Leicester, United KingdomIt is year 2039. An artificial intelligence with the affective capacities of a kitten becomes the first non-human governor. She leads a politician-free zone with a network of Artificial Intelligences. She lives in mobile devices of the citizens and can love up to 3 Million people. Excerpt from “The Kitty AI”: “I was only 8 […]
#Love Apparatus
Highcross Shopping Centre 5 Shires Lane, Leicester, United KingdomLocated at the Eastgate Entrance, Highcross Shopping Centre @apparatus_love Can apparatus love? We don’t know for sure, but surely they can say things about love! “#LoveApparatus” (@apparatus_love) is an art installation created for the ART-AI FESTIVAL, taking place Leicester between 30 April and 13 May 2018. #LoveApparatus delivers generative love text aphorisms that will be projected […]
Paper Cubes
Highcross Shopping Centre 5 Shires Lane, Leicester, United KingdomAugmented reality (AR) is an explanatory medium that takes advantage of the physical space, objects and surfaces. It gives us the opportunity to create interfaces to better understand what AI does in a visual and spatial manner. Paper Cubes and HyperCubes were created to teach basic computational skills as well as more advanced programming concepts […]
Launch Event
Phoenix Phoenix Arts Centre, 4 Midland Street, Leicester, United KingdomThe Festival is a collaboration between De Montfort University, independent AI arts curator, Luba Elliott, Phoenix and Highcross Shopping Centre. It has been supported by the award-winning #DMULocal programme, a De Montfort initiative dedicated to fulfilling the University’s commitment to benefit the public good and promote Leicester. In 2016/17 #DMULocal supported and coordinated over 90 […]
HumanMachine : AI Improv
Phoenix Phoenix Arts Centre, 4 Midland Street, Leicester, United KingdomHumanMachine is Piotr Mirowski’s alter-ego Albert. He will be sharing the stage with a computer called A.L.Ex and a remote hacker friend mYlez (played by Kory). Albert draws his performance from Improbotics, and is a member of a large cast of human improvisers taking their lines from an AI. For this performance, the audience plays the role […]
Dark Star
Phoenix Phoenix Arts Centre, 4 Midland Street, Leicester, United KingdomDir: John Carpenter USA 1974, 1hr 23mins About: In John Carpenter (The Thing) and Alien writer Dan O’Bannon’s comic take on 2001: A Space Odyssey, the deep space cruiser Dark Star is assigned the task of blowing up planets inhabited by undesirable life forms in order to make the universe safe for the human race. […]
AI for Artists
Phoenix Phoenix Arts Centre, 4 Midland Street, Leicester, United KingdomThe workshop will introduce the concepts underpinning what's currently called AI and explore how artists have been using and responding to the technology of mass data analysis. From image manipulation to government surveillance, AI underpins much of modern life yet is often intangible and invisible. By the end of this workshop you'll have a clear […]
AI in Recent Art Practice
Phoenix Phoenix Arts Centre, 4 Midland Street, Leicester, United KingdomThis talk will give an overview of how artists and creative technologists are using and thinking about artificial intelligence. Over the past couple of years, there has been increasing interest in applying the latest advances in machine learning to creative projects in art, music, film, theatre and beyond. From Google's DeepDream and style transfer to the world's first […]
#Love Apparatus Talk
Phoenix Phoenix Arts Centre, 4 Midland Street, Leicester, United KingdomCan apparatus love? We don’t know for sure, but surely they can say things about love!This artist talk will reflect on the development of the installation located in Highcross Shopping Centre (Eastgate Entrance) between 30 April and 13 May. “#LoveApparatus” (@apparatus_love) has been specially created for the ART-AI FESTIVAL and is intended to deliver generative […]