Celebrating the launch of the ART-AI Festival at Phoenix with an opportunity to see Klingemann's and Heaney's work.
Installations are open throughout the festival (May 16-31).
Celebrating the launch of the ART-AI Festival at Phoenix with an opportunity to see Klingemann's and Heaney's work.
Installations are open throughout the festival (May 16-31).
Speaker : Gerhard Fischer
Lecture : The Human in the Design - Trade-offs between Artificial Intelligence and Human-Centered Design
The event presents a special guest lecture by human-machine research pioneer, Gerhard Fischer, visiting from Colorado, USA. Gerhard's work has explored theoretical frameworks and system developments for human-computer interaction and he co-founded conferences in Germany on “Mensch-Maschine Kommunikation” (1980) and “Software Ergonomics” (1983). Later work at CU Boulder was centered on domain-oriented design environments, critiquing systems, and the exploration of high-functionality environments. In 1994, the Center for LifeLong Learning & Design was founded and in the following years, he (in close collaboration with numerous colleagues, including Ernesto Arias, Hal Eden, Michael Eisenberg, and Walter Kintsch and a large number of PhD students) explored themes in meta-design, social creativity, cultures of participation, computer-supported collaborative learning, support environments for people with cognitive disabilities, and collaborative problem solving and decision making with table-top computing environments.
The Future of Digitalization is not out there to be discovered — it will be designed. In design, trade-offs are universal because there are no best solutions independent of goals, objectives, and values, specifically for systemic, ill-defined, and wicked problems such as Artificial Intelligence and Human-Centered Design.
Grounded in research activities from a broad spectrum of different disciplines and an analysis from our research over the last two decades, the presentation will critically analyze the current hype about Artificial Intelligence by contrasting it with the objectives pursued by Human-Centered Design.
The Festival is a collaboration between De Montfort University, independent AI arts curator, Luba Elliott, Phoenix and Highcross Shopping Centre. It has been supported by the award-winning #DMULocal programme, a De Montfort initiative dedicated to fulfilling the University’s commitment to benefit the public good and promote Leicester. In 2016/17 #DMULocal supported and coordinated over 90 projects in Leicester and internationally, with over 33,000 hours of volunteering being carried out by student volunteers.
The project team that has brought this AI in Art Festival to Leicester will introduce its aims and objectives, and highlight the contributions from artists and computer scientists at the Launch Event. Come and join us for a relaxing evening and a chance to meet the curators and contributors.
Speakers :
Dr Tracy Harwood - Institute of Creative Technologies, De Montfort University, Leicester.
@tgharwood @ioct_dmu tharwood@dmu.ac.uk
Luba Elliott is a curator, artist and researcher specialising in artificial intelligence in the Creative Industries.
Chris Tyrer - Digital Art and Culture Programme Leader at Phoenix Leicester.
Tina Barton - Community Manager, Highcross Shopping Centre.
More about the ART-AI Festival Team here.
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